Friday, May 21, 2010



It's been a long time I have felt this way. Felt a happiness and contentment with my life that was so deep-seated and genuine. Years maybe.

What's the secret?

Live. Be alive. Be present.

For too long, I had been living in the past. So much easier to play the victim. Buried myself in work that nothing else existed beyond the 4 walls of the hospital.

Then I shed my past but began worrying about the future. When the expectations are not met, it leads to disappointment. Disappointment after disappointment begets more depression. There is no harm in aiming high but I need to stop trying to be 10 steps ahead of myself.

Stop living in the past.
Stop worrying about the future and things beyond my control.
Live in the present. Live each moment as it comes.
Expect less. Give more.
Live simply. Live with a purpose.

I'm finally learning to live my own life instead of watching other people live theirs.

Live. Be alive. Be present.

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