Friday, July 23, 2010

Tears of the Sea

I gaze out onto the water. It was a beautiful moonlit night. The water shimmered and I look across to the horizon and admire its serenity.

The tranquil calmness surrounds me. But the storm in my heart continues to rage.

I try to silence the howling winds of my entrapped emotions. I sit perfectly still in an effort to become one with the stillness of the world. In hopes that internally, I may be stilled.

But the silence only served to amplify the sorrows of my heart. I could hear the battle in my mind. The storm had been brewing but the din and noise of daily living had shut them out of the conscious mind.

Tonight. It was different. Tonight. My heart broke with every lie and every truth. No beauty could still the beast raging in my heart.

I closed my eyes and wondered why.

And a silent tear slid down my cheek and dropped into the sea...


Mei said...

I don't know what this is all about, but it really touched me...


@ster said...

i uh.. dun really know what this was about.. lol.

i just wrote it in the feel of the =D