Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Writers of our own Lives

We are the writers of our own lives. Authors of own storyboard.

I've been in an emotional standstill. Waiting. Hoping. But nothing was moving forward.
Realization struck. I had fallen back into my own trap. I was stuck in the same emotional rut.
I was avoiding. Avoiding all my fears with an excuse I created in my head.

I was in misery.
I was in confusion.
It wasn't supposed to be this hard.
It wasn't supposed to be this confusing.
I struggled to understand.

And then I realised with startling clarity.
This was all my own doing.
This was my own self-inflicted misery.
This was all in my own head.
This was not progress.

If my life were a book, it would be sad to realise I was repeating the same mistakes over and over again and the storyboard always had the same storyline. How boring would that be! So boring that I didn't even want to get to the end of my own story!! I knew already how it would all end. And I was missing everything in between. The real stuff. Life. Love.

But I am the writer of my own story. I can choose. I can choose to change it here and now. Make my storyboard interesting and full of life. Or I can choose to continue living in negativity and false hopes as life whizzed past me.

For awhile back there, I was present. I was here. I was in the now.
Then I lost myself again. I knew it would not be an easy road to recovery. But I never thought it would be so easy to slip back.

I had forgotten to be present in my life. To live every moment.
I had learnt to let go of the past. That was done. Over. No longer living in the past.
But I had not learnt to stop projecting into the future.
And life was passing me by while I was at a grand standstill.

So now I stop.
Take a breathe.
Wake up and decide once and for all to live in the real world.
To face my fears.
To stop avoiding.
To learn to live a little.
To ditch all the negative scripts in my life and learn to be positively present every single day.

You can do it too.
Remember - you're the author of your own life.

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